Partnering for Progress, Innovating for Tomorrow

About Stephanie

I grew up in Ohio and moved to New England after I graduated Case Western Reserve University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. I worked as an auditor for Arthur Andersen for four years and then entered the corporate environment and worked for large multi-national firms consolidating financial statements, working with auditors, and preparing SEC filings.

After marrying Victor and having children, I made the choice to stay home and raise our children. While managing the household duties, I also became involved in the Amherst community. Meeting families at the library and through MOM’s Club became a regular event for our family.

When our children became school age, I became involved in the school environment by actively volunteering at Clark and Wilkins school and then was appointment a member of the Amherst Ways & Means committee. Working closely with the school administrators and other community members encouraged me to continually engage in our town.

I was appointed to the Cemetery Fields committee when the Selectmen were reviewing the proper usage of the property and history of the purchase. Being engaged with the Selectmen and more community members, my knowledge of our town continued to grow.

My daughters were actively involved in Girl Scouts from kindergarten through twelfth grade. I joined as well and was an active Leader throughout their years participating in Scouts. Because of my financial background, I also volunteered to be the Town Accounting Coordinator for Girl Scouts. I helped to plan my troop events as well as town wide events. I continue to work with Girl Scouts today.

In 2020, I was first elected to Souhegan Cooperative School Board. I ran for school board because was concerned about the direction of the school, the grading system, and need for more rigor. Working together with the other school board members, we have improved the grading system, we have focused on instruction practice and student engagement, and we successfully negotiated additional educational days in the last teacher agreement. I was re-elected in 2023 and I am the current Chair of the Board.